Working with their internal brand team, Iron helped to rebrand Stockpile, a Fintech company focused on the hard-to-reach, underserved small investor audience— and the first to bring fractional investing to market.

The Logo

We explored a variety of directions for the stockpile logo. One leaned heavily on the existing logo design, while others explored the ideas of growth and the financial journey. The animation below shows the field of exploration as it narrowed to the final candidate.

Brand Voice

Along with the identity, we worked with Stockpile to form a brand voice that spoke to their mission of becoming a trusted avenue for all, but particularly young investors. We leveraged a bright, friendly color pallet along with approachable shapes and imagery.

Rolling it out

With an emphasis on simplicity we created a look and feel for the Stockpile deliverables including a landing page, their app and gift-cards to coincide with the launch of the new brand.

The Results

We enjoy a continuing relationship with Stockpile and have engaged with the brand in launching a variety of design and marketing materials.


Fractional investing platform


Month brand engagement


Active monthly users