IRON Shoot Helps Levi’s Get Festival-Ready 

With just over a month for pre-production, IRON tackled a large-scale shoot for Levi’s, tapping into a major cultural and commercial moment—festival season. 


Positioning Levi’s as the ‘uniform’ for festival dressing and partnering with leading celebrity stylist Jared Ellner, we captured content for their .com and social channels with a shoot in the beautiful Topanga hills, just outside of L.A.

Working with up-and-coming photographer, Yong Kim, the goal was to shoot aspirational, product-focused creative—creating the belief that Levi’s is THE apparel brand, with true head-to-toe styles for Coachella and beyond.

The Devil’s in the Details

IRON handled everything from sourcing the location to casting the models to running the day of production (and everything else in between).

Managing complex logistics was pivotal. But doing that in harmony with the brand, the talent, and the unique demands of the crew is an art form we have perfected over a decade of shooting. 

From managing shot lists to the nuances of on-set execution, we ensured that every aspect of the shoot ran smoothly, on time, and on budget.

Jared Ellner

Digital Agency Perspective

You may wonder why Levi’s chose a digital agency to produce their shoot. The truth is that we are uniquely positioned to understand the increasing demands of the digital era on asset production. 

In the pre-digital days, a campaign might have relied on a handful of key visuals for print ads, billboards, or TV. Today, the same campaign needs to cater to a multitude of digital platforms, each with its own format requirements and audience preferences.

A rough estimate might suggest that the requirement for assets could have increased by anywhere from 5x to 20x, or even more. This is due to several factors:

  • Variety of Platforms: Each platform requires different types of content, from images to videos to interactive elements.
  • Content Personalization: There’s a greater need for content that addresses various audience segments and geographic locations.
  • Content Refresh Rate: Digital content has a shorter lifespan, requiring frequent updates to maintain engagement and relevance.
  • A/B Testing: Digital marketing often involves creating multiple versions of assets for testing to optimize engagement and conversion rates.

While it’s difficult to pinpoint an exact factor by which asset needs have increased, it’s clear that the scale is significant—often over ten times more than what was required in the pre-digital era.

And since IRON produces hundreds of digital assets for Levi’s (and a host of other leading brands), we are highly attuned to the many roles these assets need to fulfill. 

By producing shoots, we have experts on hand to directly ensure that the creative teams get what they need to tell the stories that are so central to their brand’s success.

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The Future of Asset Creation

As the digital landscape evolves, staying ahead means leveraging key seasonal moments to effectively connect with and expand audiences.  

The Levi’s campaign shows how brands can use these opportunities to reinforce their positioning and reach new consumers in exciting new ways.

With our understanding of the demands of digital content creation and our ability to deliver on strategic briefs, partnering with an agency like IRON enables those looking to elevate their marketing strategies to succeed.


Person Crew


Location Setups


Hour Shoot Day


Ecomm and Social Deliverables


Final Retouched Images


Final Edited Videos

The Results

This campaign came to life across all of Levi’s owned channels—including .com, App, email, social, and in-store. It also fed into their Levi’s Stylist and micro-influencers social channels. This comprehensive approach enabled the brand to connect with new and existing audiences, driving consideration for their festival assortment.